Sometimes there’s just not enough room above a load to use a standard hoist. That’s where our low profile SHB trolley hoist works where others can’t. Built around our quality CB hoist, this product is ideal for demanding industrial lifting applications where space is extra tight.
Harrington’s SHB trolley hoist lets you use every inch of available space. The short headroom feature is specifically engineered to provide maximum hook travel that meets the demands of your constricted lifting application.
Focus on the task at hand, not the maintenance of your equipment. The maintenance-free trolley bearings on the SHB are sealed and life-long-lubricated providing you with years of smooth, reliable, quiet operation.
Engineered to function as a single unit, the SHB integrates the proven performance and durability of Harrington’s industrial grade CB hoist with a permanently attached geared trolley.
Heavy-duty lifting applications need heavy-duty equipment that can stand up to your demands. The SHB’s cast trolley wheels and structural steel side plates take the weight and provide rigid support and reliability at the same time.