+1 (615) 313-8620 Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm CST 106 Park South Court Nashville

Ridg-U-Rack Very Narrow Aisle Rack


  • Less floor area for aisles
  • 100% selective pallet rack
  • Design flexibility
  • Space-efficient
  • Immediate access to every pallet load

Applications & Options:

  • Industrial
  • Retail and general warehousing
  • Limited space
  • High cost real estate

In Very Narrow Aisle (VNA) Pallet Rack Systems, the space separating parallel rack units is greatly reduced, and pallets are placed and retrieved using a side loading fork truck. This minimizes the size of the aisles between rows of racks and can reduce the aisle space by around 40%. These pallet rack systems are available in original slotted or tear drop style columns and can be used at heights of up to 40 feet.

Provides higher density with 100% selectivity. Uses lift trucks designed to work in narrow aisles

Advances in fork lift trucks that can operate in aisles less than five feet wide have made VNA storage racks possible. The pallet rack systems provide a significant reduction in floor space and generally reduce costs of warehousing.

Pallets in very narrow aisle systems are 100% selective. With VNA racking, access to stock is uncompromised and the amount of product stored in the warehouse is maximized. It is an effective method of increasing pallet storage within a given area.

Columns & Beams: Roll-formed or structural

Upright Frames

capacity charts

Teardrop Rack
Slotted Rack
Structural Rack

Frame Capacities

Spacing UF-S31I UF-S32I UF-S33I UF-R33I UF-M33I UF-Y33I UF-H33I UF-M43I UF-H43I
36″ 19,100 23,500 28,600 34,100 38,000 42,100 47,000 47,900 62,600
42″ 17,900 22,100 26,900 33,100 35,600 39,500 43,000 45,700 60,500
48″ 16,700 20,600 25,100 29,800 33,800 36,600 40,900 44,500 58,100
54″ 15,200 18,900 23,100 27,500 31,900 33,600 38,600 43,100 55,300
60″ 13,800 17,200 21,100 25,000 28,100 30,400 33,900 40,200 52,400
72″ 10,800 13,700 17,000 20,000 22,300 24,100 26,800 35,300 46,000
84″ 8,200 10,600 13,200 15,400 17,200 18,600 20,700 30,200 39,300
96″ 6,500 8,400 10,500 12,200 13,500 14,700 16,300 25,200 32,800
108″ 5,200 6,800 8,500 9,900 10,900 11,800 13,100 20,500 22,600

Frame Capacities

Spacing UF-S32C UF-M32C UF-H32C UF-S33C UF-R33C UF-M33C UF-Y33C UF-H33C UF-M43C UF-H43C
36″ 24,700 29.800 36,400 29,800 35,500 40,500 44,000 49,100 51,700 63,200
42″ 23,500 27,900 34,100 28,100 33,500 37,100 41,300 45,000 49,400 61,100
48″ 22,100 26,900 32,800 26,200 31,100 35,300 38,300 42,700 48,000 58,700
54″ 20,700 25,700 31,300 24,200 28,700 33,300 35,100 40,400 46,600 55,900
60″ 19.000 23,200 28,200 22,000 26,000 29,300 31,800 35,400 43,400 53,000
72″ 15.700 19,100 23,200 17,700 20,800 23,300 25,200 28,100 38,100 46,500
84″ 12.400 15,200 18,500 13,800 16,100 17,900 19,400 21,600 32,600 39,700
96″ 9.900 12,300 14,800 10,900 12,700 14,100 15,300 17,000 27,200 33,100
108″ 8.000 10,000 12,100 8,900 10,300 11,400 12,300 13,700 22,200 26,900

Frame capacity chart – Slotted Connection

Vertical Beam Spacing SSF-335
36″ 34,200
48″ 33,300
60″ 30,000
72″ 24,000
84″ 18,400
96″ 14,200
108″ 11,300

Frame capacity chart – Bolted Connection

Vertical Beam Spacing SBF-335 SBF-341 SBF-445
36″ 34,200 40,300 51,600
48″ 33,300 39,200 50,600
60″ 30,000 35,000 50,000
72″ 24,000 27,600 44,500
84″ 18,400 21,000 38,600
96″ 14,200 16,100 32,600
108″ 11,300 12,800 26,800


Horizontal Beams

capacity charts

Teardrop Rack
Slotted Rack
Structural Rack

Beam Capacities

Tear Drop Pallet Rack

Beam Lengths
48″ 60″ 72″ 84″ 92″ 96″ 102″ 108″ 120″ 144″ 156″
250 S 5,700 4,530 3,130 2,300 1,910 1,750 1,550 1,380 1,120 770 660
300 S 7,500 5,980 4,820 3,530 2,940 2,690 2,380 2,120 1,720 1,190 1,010
355 S 9,760 7,770 6,460 5,330 4,440 4,070 3,600 3,210 2,590 1,790 1,520
410 L 10,810 8,620 7,150 6,110 5,570 5,200 4,600 4,100 3,310 2,290 1,940
410 S 12,000 9,780 8,120 6,930 6,320 5,830 5,160 4,600 3,710 2,570 2,180
465 S 12,000 11,970 9,940 8,490 7,740 7,410 6,960 6,320 5,110 3,530 3,000
500 S 12,000 12,000 11,170 9,540 8,700 8,330 7,830 7,380 6,140 4,250 3,610
550 S 18,000 18,000 18,000 11,150 10,160 9,720 9,140 8,620 7,740 5,420 4,610
600 S 18,000 18,000 18,000 12,850 11,710 11,210 10,540 9,940 8,920 6,790 5,770
650 S 18,000 18,000 18,000 14,660 13,360 12,790 12,020 11,340 10,180 8,360 7,110
650 R 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 15,160 14,520 13,640 12,870 11,550 9,370 7,970

Beam Capacities

Slotted Pallet Rack

Beam Lengths
48″ 60″ 72″ 84″ 92″ 96″ 102″ 108″ 120″ 144″ 156″
250 S 5,700 4,530 3,130 2,300 1,910 1,750 1,550 1,380 1,120 770 660
300 S 7,500 5,980 4,820 3,530 2,940 2,690 2,380 2,120 1,720 1,190 1,010
355 S 9,760* 7,770 6,460 5,330 4,440 4,070 3,600 3,210 2,590 1,790 1,520
410 L 10,810* 8,620 7,150 6,110 5,570 5,200 4,600 4,100 3,310 2,290 1,940
410 S 12,270* 9,780* 8,120 6,930 6,320 5,830 5,160 4,600 3,710 2,570 2,180
465 S 15,020* 11,970* 9,940* 8,490 7,740 7,410 6,960 6,320 5,110 3,530 3,000
500 S 16,890* 13,460* 11,170* 9,540* 8,700 8,330 7,830 7,380 6,140 4,250 3,610
550 S 19,720* 15,710* 13,050* 11,150* 10,160* 9,720* 9,140* 8,620 7,740 5,420 4,610
600 S 22,500* 18,120* 15,050* 12,850* 11,710* 11,210* 10,540* 9,940* 8,920 6,790 5,770
650 S 22,500* 20,670* 17,160* 14,660* 13,360* 12,790* 12,020* 11,340* 10,180* 8,360 7,110
650 R 22,500* 22,500* 19,480* 16,640* 15,160* 14,520* 13,640* 12,870* 11,550* 9,370* 7,970

Beam Capacities – Slotted Connection

Tear Drop Pallet Rack

Beam Length
  Un-braced Cap/pr Braced Cap/pr Un-braced Cap/pr Braced Cap/pr Un-braced Cap/pr Braced Cap/pr Un-braced Cap/pr Braced Cap/pr Un-braced Cap/pr Braced Cap/pr
48″ 10,880 11,160 12,290 12,290 18,510 18,910        
54″ 9,350 9,920 10,640 10,930 15,860 16,810        
72″ 6,280 7,210 7,330 7,930 10,550 12,610 18,810      
84″ 4,970 5,300 5,830 5,830 8,060 10,810 14,840 18,960    
92″ 4,140 4,420 4,860 4,860 6,650 9,870 12,330 17,310    
96″ 3,800 4,060 4,460 4,460 6,080 9,320 11,280 16,590    
102″ 3,360 3,600 3,950 3,950 5,350 8,260 9,940 15,620 14,130  
108″ 2,990 3,210 3,530 3,530 4,750 7,370 8,830 14,750 12,520  
120″ 2,420 2,600 2,860 2,860 3,820 5,970 7,100 12,880 10,030  
132″ 2,000 2,150 2,360 2,360 3,140 4,930 5,840 10,640 8,220 17,640
144″ 1,670 1,810 1,990 1,990 2,630 4,150 4,880 8,940 6,870 15,640
156″ 1,430 1,540 1,690 1,690 2,230 3,530 4,150 7,620 5,820 13,330
180″ 1,070 1,160 1,270 1,270 1,670 2,660 3,100 5,730 4,340 10,010

Note: Beams must be secured by beam locks against accidental upward forces. All capacities are per pair of beams based on uniformly distributed loads. Capacities are based on current RMI specifications.

Beam Capacities – Bolted Connection

Tear Drop Pallet Rack

Beam Length
  Un-braced Cap/pr Braced Cap/pr Un-braced Cap/pr Braced Cap/pr Un-braced Cap/pr Braced Cap/pr Un-braced Cap/pr Braced Cap/pr Un-braced Cap/pr Braced Cap/pr
48″ 10,880 11,160 12,290 12,290 18,510 18,910        
54″ 9,350 9,920 10,640 10,930 15,860 16,810        
72″ 6,280 7,210 7,330 7,930 10,550 12,610 18,810      
84″ 4,970 5,300 5,830 5,830 8,060 10,810 14,840 18,960    
92″ 4,140 4,420 4,860 4,860 6,650 9,870 12,330 17,310    
96″ 3,800 4,060 4,460 4,460 6,080 9,320 11,280 16,590    
102″ 3,360 3,600 3,950 3,950 5,350 8,260 9,940 15,620 14,130  
108″ 2,990 3,210 3,530 3,530 4,750 7,370 8,830 14,750 12,520  
120″ 2,420 2,600 2,860 2,860 3,820 5,970 7,100 12,880 10,030  
132″ 2,000 2,150 2,360 2,360 3,140 4,930 5,840 10,640 8,220 17,640
144″ 1,670 1,810 1,990 1,990 2,630 4,150 4,880 8,940 6,870 15,640
156″ 1,430 1,540 1,690 1,690 2,230 3,530 4,150 7,620 5,820 13,330
180″ 1,070 1,160 1,270 1,270 1,670 2,660 3,100 5,730 4,340 10,010