AIR CYLINDER: 2” dia. bore.
LENGTH OF STROKE: Up to 36” available.
PUSHER PLATE: 1/8” aluminum channel.
MAXIMUM CYCLE RATE: Up to 75 cycles/min (cycle rate is
dependent upon product size and weight).
FRL: Included, w/ 3/8” ports.
COMPRESSED AIR: 0.5 cu. ft./min. at 80 to 100 PSI per cycle.
down cushion at rest position
CAPACITY: Maximum product weight is 100 lbs (rates are
affected by product weight.)
ENCLOSURE: NEMA 1 houses terminal strip for all
wiring connections.
WIRING DIAGRAM: Housed inside of terminal box.
ELECTRICAL CONTROLS: 24 VDC single solenoid valve. 2
hall-effect sensors.
OPTIONAL: 120 volt, single or double solenoid valve
The Primo Sort High Speed Sorter was designed in response to an increasing demand for high speed distribution equipment.
Up to 75 sorts per minute (based on size of product) can be economically and accurately sorted with the Primo.