+1 (615) 313-8620 Mon - Fri 8:00 am - 5:00 pm CST 106 Park South Court Nashville

TITAN Model 525 Chain Driven Live Roller Conveyor

Effective Widths: 15″ to 72″

Bearings: Grease Sealed

Chain: #50 Roll-to-Roll Drive

Drive: 3/4 H.P. 230/460/3/60

Frame: Formed 7 Gauge

Paint: One Coat Industrial Enamel

Rollers: 2-1/2″ dia. X ga. Or 2-5/8/” dia. X 7 ga.

Speed: 30 F.P.M.

Supports: “H” Type Adjustable


The Titan Model 525 is designed to handle heavy loads including skids, drums, and pallets. This unit incorporates a number 50 chain with a roll-to-roll drive. The frame is a heavy formed 7 gauge construction with a one piece chain guard. Rollers are 2-1/2″ diameter x 11 gauge (580 lb. capacity) centers are 2-13/16″, 3-7/16″, 4-3/8″, 5″, 5-15/16″ and 10″.